LADDER stands for Local Authorities as Drivers for Development Education and Raising awareness

It is a 3-year project co-funded by the EU under the DEAR programme. It aims at increasing the multiplier role of Local Authorities, in cooperation with CSOs, for Development Education & Awareness Raising (DEAR) in the EU and in the enlarged Europe (accession countries and European Neighbourhood area).

In line with the DEAR programme, the project’s specific objectives are:
– To strengthen the cooperation between LAs and CSOs and to build their internal capacities to act as “drivers for change” in DEAR
– To inform and sensitize citizens and communities on their role and responsibility on global issues, as well as about the interdependencies between the EU and developing countries, by exploring and testing the most adequate methods of non-formal education

Develop & increase the action of LAs in EU Development & Awareness Raising policies

Strengthen the capacity of LAs and CSOs to act in a sustainable way as drivers for development, fostering their role of multipliers, but also inform, raise awareness and engage citizens in global challenges

26 co-applicants & 20 associates from 18 EU and 17 non-EU countries

EU & Neighborhood (EaP, MED, SEE)


    Localising SDGs – A takeaway for 3 geographical regions impacted by the LADDER project

    By | July 3rd, 2018|Categories: News|Tags: |

    The LADDER Project had a significant impact on strengthening Development Education & Awareness Raising (DEAR) as well as on the localisation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  In terms of the advocacy dimension the [...]


    Upcoming events

    By | July 8th, 2015|Categories: Events|

    Other Events Citizens Journalists initiative - Ongoing (click here) Re-granting scheme in EU member states (2016-2017 - Ongoing - click here to see the call for proposals and check the articles related to the regranting projects [...]

    Past events

    By | July 8th, 2015|Categories: Events|

    LADDER Launching Conference: Launching conference of the LADDER project:  “Empowering and engaging citizens in global issues”– 5 June 2015: Article 1 - Article 2 Special Initiative:  Special Initiative on Migration (11-13 November 2015 - Malta) [...]