

About LADDER Team

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So far LADDER Team has created 259 blog entries.

Global citizens: those that “You-Know-Who” should be afraid of

By | January 27th, 2017|Annamaria Lehoczky, Citizen Journalist - Climate & Energy|

Annamaria Lehoczky Partly-cloudy November morning welcomed me somewhere on a rooftop in the Marrakech medina. Routinely starting my day with a strong Moroccan mint tea and pancake with marmalade while trying to connect to the internet at my local Airbnb host. The Wi-Fi connection is coming and going all the time, and that morning it [...]

Special Initiative on “Public-Private Cooperation in Economic Development and Job Creation: the Role of Local Authorities”

By | January 26th, 2017|News|

Within the framework of LADDER project, the co-applicant CIME - Consiglio Italiano del Movimento Europeo, is organising a special initiative event in Rome, on 22-24 February 2017, with title “Public-Private Cooperation in Economic Development and Job Creation: the Role of Local Authorities”. You are all invited to participate! *** The event becomes an occasion to discuss the current [...]

The Job Shadowing experience goes on!

By | January 25th, 2017|News|

The Job Shadowing activity of the LADDER Project is ongoing and during the month of November 2016 other three exchanges were successfully developed. From 14 to 18 November, the Municipality of Vejle hosted Mrs. Stoyana Chavdarova, a representative of NAMRB – National Association of Municipalities of the Republic of Bulgaria. Mrs. Chavdarova after her experience [...]

Once upon a Time, We were Humans

By | January 23rd, 2017|Citizen Journalist - Citizens' & Partecipation, Dominik Bartol|

Dominik Bartol It seems like a distant past when We used to see the People voluntarily contributing to the community on every day basis. Truly; it was irrelevant whether they were strangers or not, because that was the mentality of the older generations. People used to pay more attention to other People within their communities, [...]

Regranting Scheme: Results for Greece and Ireland!

By | January 20th, 2017|News|

The first 2017 results of the re-granting scheme of the LADDER project, supporting grass root actions on development education, are the one of Greece and Ireland! ALDA is pleased to announce here the 2 Greek projects and the 2 Irish projects which have been awarded thanks to their significant proposals related to DEAR. We congratulate for [...]

LADDER community meets in Brussels to plan a flamboyant 2017

By | January 19th, 2017|News|

The first Steering Committee of 2017 of the project LADDER took place on 17-18 January in Brussels, Belgium. By gathering all partners and with high level representatives of DG DEVCO, it was a key moment to orient the work of the community for 2017, the third and last year of the project.   ***   [...]

The second year of the LADDER Project collected in the new 2016 Report. Check it out!

By | January 13th, 2017|News|

The second year of the project has come to an end and the beginning of 2017 marks the occasion to remember all the achievements of these last 12 months! 2016 was a busy and productive year for the LADDER’s consortium. LADDER worked towards advancing development education and raising awareness on development issues, implementing its actions [...]

More than 8 kilometers to reach school on unpaved and dangerous roads

By | January 10th, 2017|Citizen Journalist - Poverty & Development, Shady Rabhi|

Shady Rabhi One of the hundreds of subjects that the revolution of 2011 in Tunisia helped uncover, is school dropouts among children. A subject, among many that the ancient regime that ruled the country for more than 23 years was mainly the cause of its raising because of its unjust and unconsidered policies.  According to [...]

PPP- Two different parts for one purpose

By | January 10th, 2017|Citizen Jouralist - Engagement of Public & Private Sector, Natia Shakaia|

Natia Shakaia If you visit my country the most common thing you will ever hear is complains about lack of working places or even their non-existence. As we all know,  two completely different structures like public and private sectors are creating working places itself, but what will happen if they unite for one purpose? ... [...]