

About LADDER Team

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So far LADDER Team has created 259 blog entries.

Time for people to take the lead: Lessons from Marrakech

By | December 5th, 2016|Citizen Journalist - Citizens' & Partecipation, Irene Vivas Lalinde|

Irene Vivas Lalinde COP 22 or “22nd Conference of Parties” was meant to shed light on the pathway to follow after the Paris Agreement, the star attraction of the previous Conference. Unfortunately, the shadow of Trump’s electoral victory has, on the one hand, keep the spirit of compromise alive in order to take steps forward [...]

Radio interview on local democracy and awareness raising

By | December 2nd, 2016|News|

In the framework of the European Local Democracy Week (an initiative of the Council of Europe) in Greece, University of Patras Radio Up Fm interviewed LADDER project manager, Nikos Gamouras on the importance of local democarcy and the ongoing activities regarding awareness raising. The questions of the journalists focused on the role that local stakeholders [...]

“My rights end when others rights are violated”

By | November 30th, 2016|Citizen Journalist - Citizens' & Partecipation, Salome Lemonjava|

Salome Lemonjava What’s democracy? What’s necessary for country’s democratic development? What’s the quality of Georgian democracy? What are perspectives to Georgia’s democratic development? These questions are always on the top of the list. Answers to those questions remain very popular subject of discussion. In this case common phrases stand out, such as: freedom of speech, [...]

Un CIAI a Modena: spreading tolerance & equality through culture

By | November 29th, 2016|News|

Within the framework of LADDER project, from 27 to 29 November the activities of “Un CIAI a Modena” took place in Modena, Italy. *** The three-days event was an occasion to reflect on the topics of tolerance and equality. The theatre play “In a better world” took place on Sunday 27, directed by Francesco Zarzana, [...]

Job Shadowing: peer-to-peer education is the way!

By | November 24th, 2016|News|

“In the framework of the LADDER project, the job shadowing experience proved to be an excellent opportunity for intercultural exchange and understanding” stated Maja Knezevic from SKGO (Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities, Serbia) at the end of her short-term mission at NALAG (the National Association of Local Authorities of Georgia) in Tbilisi. *** The LADDER [...]

Time to engage – LADDER workshop at the Black Sea NGO Forum 2016

By | November 24th, 2016|News|

From 31 October to 2 November 2016, the 9th edition of the Black Sea NGO Forum took place in Varna (Bulgaria). Following the trend and the framework established in the previous editions of the forum, this year the event aims at facilitating and intensifying regional cooperation contributing in this way to strengthen the role of [...]

SDG Watch Europe’s reaction to the EC Communication on European Action for Sustainability

By | November 24th, 2016|News|

On 22 November, the European Commission published a package of three Communications which includes a proposal for the new Consensus for Development, the building blocks for a renewed Partnership with partner countries and the Communication on the next steps for a Sustainable European Future. Representing a cross-sectoral alliance of Civil Society Organizations, the SDG Watch [...]

Poland’s tricky political turn – Rule of law and media freedom endangered?

By | November 21st, 2016|Anna Elena Maria Ferrari, Citizen Journalist - Citizens' & Partecipation|

Anna Elena Maria Ferrari  There is a country in the European Union where it is feared that an ongoing attack to democracy and the rule of law is now in place, by undermining the Constitutional Tribunal and by putting under control of the Government the public tv an radio. Is it George Orwell’s 1984? [...]

More Dialogue

By | November 21st, 2016|Citizen Jouralist - Engagement of Public & Private Sector, Salome Lemonjava|

Salome Lemonjava Kindzmarauli, Mukuzani, Tvishi, Ojaleshi, Manavi, Tsinandali – these are the names of Georgian wine and you have possibility to taste them anywhere in the World. Apart from wine we have Bojomi, Nabeglavi, Likani … these are mineral waters and they are being imported abroad as well. As for Georgian delicious sweets, churchkhela it [...]