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So far LADDER Team has created 259 blog entries.

Municipalities’ Struggle in the Migration Crisis

By | February 1st, 2016|News, Videos|

Insights from a Local Authority on the Migration Route. The management of migration flows in Europe has become an extremely challenging issue, in need for European coherent action based on solidarity and humanity above all. Municipalities, at the forefront of the crisis, are expected to take action and address the emergency situation by using their [...]

National training in the framework of LADDER project in Novara (Italy)

By | January 28th, 2016|News|

Mattia Brazzale, ALDA assistant to the Secretary General’s office, attended as speaker to the national training of LADDER held on 25th - 26th January 2016, in the provincial council room (Palazzo Natta) of the Province of Novara (Italy). *** The training was organised by TECLA, which is one of ALDA members and LADDER co-applicants; many [...]

Third Steering Committee LADDER project: the new challenges for 2016

By | January 27th, 2016|News|

On 14th January 2016, the 3rd Steering Committee of the LADDER Project took place online, gathering the co-applicants and other associates of the project. *** This conference call allowed the consortium to get updated on the project’s implementation state of play, share information and ensure a collective awareness of the activities implemented in 2015. It [...]

Project LADDER from global to local: closing the first year of activities and approaching new challenges of 2016

By | December 11th, 2015|News|

2015 is coming to an end after an intensive activity for the consortium of the LADDER project. After having benefited from EU-level trainings on DEAR (Development Education and Awareness Raising) – more than 150 representatives of local authorities, networks of LAs and civil society organizations (CSOs) attended 3 training sessions held in Ireland, Croatia and [...]

“Refugee crisis – challenges and consequences” – Roundtable in Serbia

By | November 30th, 2015|News|

Monday 30  November, a roundtable on the refugee crisis & migration was held in Belgrade (Serbia). During the event, different stakeholders reflected on the challenges and consequences of this sudden flow of refugees coming mainly from Northern Africa and the Middle East. Relevant speakers coming from different Serbian ministries attended the event, such as Mr. [...]

Special Initiative of LADDER project on the Eastern Partnership: energy efficiency, migration and sustainable agriculture

By | November 24th, 2015|News|

From 1st to 4th December 2015, the second Special Initiative of LADDER project with focus on the Eastern Partnership, was held in Georgia. The event was organised by NALAG in cooperation with ALDA and UBBSLA, and it was structured in 3 phases. In the first phase all partners and other participants met in Tbilisi for [...]

Towards the COP 21 – WP5 in action

By | November 20th, 2015|News|

Paris Climate Conference , better known as COP 21, started past 30th November  of 2015. This UN Conference is trying to gather different stakeholders to fight against the most important challenge of the Anthropocene : Climate Change. Our Resilient, Sustainable Development Path  (WP5) has a say. We are aware of the importance of having active [...]

Migration and Development: EYD 2015- The year for local action for global solutions

By | November 10th, 2015|News|

ALDA (The European Association for Local Democracy) in collaboration with SOS Malta and with the support of EU Europeaid Funds and the EEA Grants organized a conference in the framework of the LADDER project entitled “Migration and Development: EYD 2015- The year for local action for global solutions”, which took place on 11th to 13th [...]

Training on LADDER – 3rd at the EU Level!

By | November 4th, 2015|News|

Mr. Karvounis from the Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction, Mr. Duros member of the Steering Committee of EGTC Amphictyony and Ms Anne-Laure Joedicke from ALDA, opened the 3rd EU Level training on  DEAR of the LADDER project, introducing the agenda & referring to the role of multipliers of Local Authorities & CSOs on development education. [...]

LADDER project on stage! — DEAR Fair

By | October 27th, 2015|News|

This European Commission’ event took place in Brussels (Belgium) on the 21 & 22 of October of 2015 in the framework of the European Year of Development 2015. It succeeded in gathering together around 180 participants from all 28 EU Member States. Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development, Neven Mimica, gave a keynote speech and [...]