

About LADDER Team

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So far LADDER Team has created 259 blog entries.

ALDA at the core of the process consultation on European Neighbourhood Policy

By | July 20th, 2015|News|

In March 2015, the European Commission launched a process of consultation open to CSOs and other stakeholders to submit recommendations regarding the ENP (European Neighbourhood Policy), addressing the challenges, shortcomings and problems. *** The Joint Consultation Paper aimed to improve the ENP by giving ideas, recommendations and advices. The process has now come to a [...]

Upcoming events

By | July 8th, 2015|Events|

Other Events Citizens Journalists initiative - Ongoing (click here) Re-granting scheme in EU member states (2016-2017 - Ongoing - click here to see the call for proposals and check the articles related to the regranting projects in "Past Events" page) Job Shadowing Activities - Ongoing (click here to see the JS gallery and check the articles [...]

Past events

By | July 8th, 2015|Events|

LADDER Launching Conference: Launching conference of the LADDER project:  “Empowering and engaging citizens in global issues”– 5 June 2015: Article 1 - Article 2 Special Initiative:  Special Initiative on Migration (11-13 November 2015 - Malta) Special Initiative of the Eastern Partnership (1-4 December 2015 - Georgia) Special initiative EYD2015: "Capitalisation of the European Year for Development: the [...]

LADDER project: meeting with the MED path in Palermo, Sicily

By | July 8th, 2015|News|

On 26th of June, ALDA partner COPPEM organized an event to promote the concept of “Ecomuseum”, a concept initiated and supported by UNESCO in which communities and ordinary citizens get involved in the management of given territory, working together with LAs and CSOs. The sense of local ownership is very much supported and promoted. The [...]

European Development Days Auditorium Debate – The voice of ALDA on “Global citizens can change the world!”

By | July 15th, 2015|News|

On 4th June 2015, ALDA participated to the Auditorium Debate of the European Development Days in Brussels on the topic “Global citizens can change the world!”. *** The Auditorium Debate took place from 3.30 pm to 5.00 pm at Tour et Taxis. The organising partners of the debate were ALDA, CONCORD, DEEEP, CIVICUS, GENE and [...]

Geographical and Thematic Working Groups of LADDER

By | July 7th, 2015|News|

On 5th June, in the framework of The Launching Conference of LADDER project, the Geographical and Thematic Working Groups took place. *** Among the several activities, LADDER project enjoys two different paths: the Geographical Path and the Thematic one. The Geographical Path includes four Working Groups: the European Union, the Mediterranean area, the South Eastern [...]

Intervention by Mrs Gaye Doganoglu at the Launching Conference of LADDER project

By | July 7th, 2015|News|

Mrs Gaye Doganoglu, Vice-President of the Congress, took part to the Launching Conference of LADDER project delivering a speech on the role of local authorities in the promotion of development education and awareness raising of citizens. *** “The key to sustainable achievements in this respect is to make citizens believe that they can make a [...]

Contribution of Mr Flavio Zanonato for the Launching Conference of LADDER project

By | July 7th, 2015|News|

Mr Flavio Zanonato, member of the European Parliament, took part to the Launching Conference of LADDER delivering a speech on Development Education. *** “Local Authorities and Civil Society Organisations are essential actors for Development Education and for raising awareness among citizens” says Mr Zanonato during his speech held in the framework of the Launching Conference [...]

Launching Conference of LADDER project – “Empowering and engaging citizens in global issues”

By | July 7th, 2015|News|

On 5th June 2015 the Launching Conference of LADDER project was held in Brussels, hosted by the Committee of the Regions. *** The public event gathered all associates and co-applicants of the project, and it was a great occasion to publicly present the whole mission of LADDER, focusing on “Empowering and engaging citizens in global [...]