Julie Capelle

//Julie Capelle

Success story of cultural mapping in L’viv, Ukraine

By | July 31st, 2017|Citizen Journalist - Citizens' & Partecipation, Julie Capelle|

Julie Capelle On May 10, 11 and 12 2017, about 160 international stakeholders working on the strengthening of local democracy from all over the world gathered in Torun, Poland for the ‘’Ladder Tool Fair’’. Organized by ALDA in the framework of the LADDER project, the event aimed – as its name indicates –  to [...]

Hlompho Matsoso, acting for change in Lesotho

By | April 4th, 2017|Citizen Journalist - Poverty & Development, Julie Capelle|

Julie Capelle The Hague Academy for local Governance is an NGO which organizes practical training to civil servants from developing and transitional countries. Discover the story of Hlompho , one training participant who works on fiscal decentralization in Lesotho, a particular country facing important social issues. « I come from Lesotho, do you know where [...]