Citizen Journalist

/Citizen Journalist

“Each person is a movement” – The warrior of urban forests: Interview with Damira Kalač

By | March 21st, 2017|Annamaria Lehoczky, Citizen Journalist - Climate & Energy|

Annamária Lehoczky Ćemovsko polje (Ćemovsko field) had been a rather abandoned forest park in Podgorica (Montenegro) until one day Damira decided to create something exciting and useful for her neighborhood. She organized young and old, kids and families, and turned the forest park into a lovely community park – where people like to spend outdoor [...]

“She was jumping of happiness” – working in a refugee camp by Catarina Cerqueira

By | March 10th, 2017|Andreas Canvin, Citizen Journalist - Poverty & Development|

Andreas Canvin Sometimes, it's the small things that make you the most happy. Just ask Catarina.  In the summer of 16', Portugese Catarina Cerqueira volunteered in the ELEONAS refugee camp in Athens, Greece. Here, she worked as a volunteer for the Elea Project, which helps improving the living conditions for the refugees and migrants [...]

Malta, works in process

By | March 6th, 2017|Alexandra Pihet, Citizen Journalist - Climate & Energy|

Alexandra Pihet Started in the 1960s after the Independence, building development has transformed the Mediterranean island of Malta into a permanent building site full of concrete blocks. Known for its unique architectural mix of narrow streets and historical buildings from different eras, the tiny country, one of the smallest and most densely populated in [...]

The Communication Strategy Of The European Parliament: An Interview With Former Director-General Juana Lahousse

By | March 6th, 2017|Anna Elena Maria Ferrari, Citizen Journalist - Poverty & Development|

Anna Elena Maria Ferrari Juana Lahousse has been in charge of the communication of the European Parliament since 2007. In February 2017 she left the office to former Parliament’s spokeperson Jaume Duch Guillot. I had the chance to interview her when she was still in charge, in occasion of the European Youth Event 2016 at [...]

Where should the birds fly after the last sky?

By | March 2nd, 2017|Annamaria Lehoczky, Citizen Journalist - Climate & Energy|

Annamária Lehoczky The icy wind was blowing insistently through the narrow valley of Kresna, surrounded by the steep slopes of the Gorge. The landscape seemed suspiciously tranquil, hiding the story of a 20-year battle. Kresna Gorge, the gorgeous natural conservation area in Bulgaria, providing home for eagles, turtles, butterflies and more, is threatened by an [...]

To be continued

By | February 20th, 2017|Hasan Haj, Local Actions for Global Impact|

Hasan Haj Time flew. The 6 months since April passed quickly and I needed to get ready to fly to Romania. The second phase training of the global education program was about to start (in October). The world is becoming smaller and smaller and each one of us has an impact that can affect [...]

Raising awareness on SDGs: Proyecta Valencia – Hacia el 2030

By | February 17th, 2017|Citizen Journalist - Citizens' & Partecipation, Irene Vivas Lalinde|

Irene Vivas Lalinde We are constantly receiving information through social media. Whether this data becomes a stimulus or remains as a gig, like, a comment, or a share depends on the awareness and empowerment of the receptor. The seed of Proyecta Valencia is our passion for citizen’s participation and the acknowledgment of the transformative [...]