Citizen Journalist

/Citizen Journalist

Local actions/Global impact

By | February 14th, 2017|Áron Gödölle, Local Actions for Global Impact|

Áron Gödölle Ending poverty, world hunger, ensuring the access to water for everyone, empowering women and girls or reducing the inequalities between countries … these all are part of the 17 goals 193 countries (of UN) worldwide signed, to ensure global development. Supporting these goals and acting in favor of them is not only job [...]

The Danube Participation Days

By | February 14th, 2017|Áron Gödölle, Citizen Journalist - Climate & Energy, Jakob Lütgenau|

Áron Gödölle and Jakob Lütgenau The Danube Participation Days (DPD) is the annual self-organized forum for civil society and local stakeholders in the EUSDR. It contributes to a stronger involvement of civil society and local actors and it provides a platform for debate, exchange and cooperation for the representatives from civil society organizations and local [...]

Does a European public sphere exist?

By | February 14th, 2017|Anna Elena Maria Ferrari, Citizen Jouralist - Engagement of Public & Private Sector|

Anna Elena Maria Ferrari There is little doubt that the dream of the full realization of the European project passes through the creation of an European public sphere. Information, in this regard, is key to foster a sense of European belonging. The question is then: how much European do the citizens of the EU [...]

The role of civil society in the participation of young people in municipal elections

By | January 30th, 2017|Citizen Journalist - Citizens' & Partecipation, Farouk Garali|

Farouk Garali Tunisia is now in the process of a local democracy transaction. The question is: is our role as a young person and as an active civil society transparent? For a beginning, we adhere that our country is engaged in a process of fundamental transformations which is based on major achievements including: the consecration [...]

The relationship between youth society and civil society: Citizen Participation

By | January 30th, 2017|Citizen Journalist - Climate & Energy, Farouk Garali|

Farouk Garali The experience of Menzel Abderrahmen is based on the associative work as a central element of requalification of the places of life, to lead to a collective responsibility for the maintenance of an isolated garden. This process was supported by a local association, LAMECHMAL team Bizerte that of the garden Manoubi Boussandel in [...]

Global citizens: those that “You-Know-Who” should be afraid of

By | January 27th, 2017|Annamaria Lehoczky, Citizen Journalist - Climate & Energy|

Annamaria Lehoczky Partly-cloudy November morning welcomed me somewhere on a rooftop in the Marrakech medina. Routinely starting my day with a strong Moroccan mint tea and pancake with marmalade while trying to connect to the internet at my local Airbnb host. The Wi-Fi connection is coming and going all the time, and that morning it [...]

Once upon a Time, We were Humans

By | January 23rd, 2017|Citizen Journalist - Citizens' & Partecipation, Dominik Bartol|

Dominik Bartol It seems like a distant past when We used to see the People voluntarily contributing to the community on every day basis. Truly; it was irrelevant whether they were strangers or not, because that was the mentality of the older generations. People used to pay more attention to other People within their communities, [...]

More than 8 kilometers to reach school on unpaved and dangerous roads

By | January 10th, 2017|Citizen Journalist - Poverty & Development, Shady Rabhi|

Shady Rabhi One of the hundreds of subjects that the revolution of 2011 in Tunisia helped uncover, is school dropouts among children. A subject, among many that the ancient regime that ruled the country for more than 23 years was mainly the cause of its raising because of its unjust and unconsidered policies.  According to [...]