Citizen Journalist

/Citizen Journalist

“My rights end when others rights are violated”

By | November 30th, 2016|Citizen Journalist - Citizens' & Partecipation, Salome Lemonjava|

Salome Lemonjava What’s democracy? What’s necessary for country’s democratic development? What’s the quality of Georgian democracy? What are perspectives to Georgia’s democratic development? These questions are always on the top of the list. Answers to those questions remain very popular subject of discussion. In this case common phrases stand out, such as: freedom of speech, [...]

Poland’s tricky political turn – Rule of law and media freedom endangered?

By | November 21st, 2016|Anna Elena Maria Ferrari, Citizen Journalist - Citizens' & Partecipation|

Anna Elena Maria Ferrari  There is a country in the European Union where it is feared that an ongoing attack to democracy and the rule of law is now in place, by undermining the Constitutional Tribunal and by putting under control of the Government the public tv an radio. Is it George Orwell’s 1984? [...]

More Dialogue

By | November 21st, 2016|Citizen Jouralist - Engagement of Public & Private Sector, Salome Lemonjava|

Salome Lemonjava Kindzmarauli, Mukuzani, Tvishi, Ojaleshi, Manavi, Tsinandali – these are the names of Georgian wine and you have possibility to taste them anywhere in the World. Apart from wine we have Bojomi, Nabeglavi, Likani … these are mineral waters and they are being imported abroad as well. As for Georgian delicious sweets, churchkhela it [...]

The Klandestini Rent Spike theory

By | November 10th, 2016|Citizen Journalist - Poverty & Development, Kenneth Spiteri|

Kenneth Spiteri It was recently explained to me that the reason for the increase in rent prices in Malta over the past years is due to those 'Klandestini-what-do-you-call-them-Refugees', as they are sometimes referred to here. Rent prices in Malta have increased quite significantly in the past years and the augmentation has now spread from the [...]

Citizen participation: first steps after the Revolution in Tunisia

By | November 8th, 2016|Citizen Journalist - Citizens' & Partecipation, Shady Rabhi|

Shady Rabhi After the Jasmin Revolution, from December 2010 until February 2011, everything changed in Tunisia: freedom, hardly achieved, enabled many Tunisian citizens to integrate in associations and to develop their willingness to participate and be active citizens. This attitude, which has just started to develop, is increasingly spreading among people, stimulating a sort of [...]

Poverty + Employment = Development

By | November 8th, 2016|Citizen Journalist - Poverty & Development, Salome Lemonjava|

Salome Lemonjava In Georgia minimum wage since 2007 has increased from 6.4% to 10.1%. These figures only extend to registered residents reported by Georgian statistics national service. International Monetary Fund on April 4-th of 2015 issued economic development prognosis of its member countries. According to the research, average annual income for each inhabitant in Georgia [...]