Citizen Journalist – Poverty & Development

//Citizen Journalist - Poverty & Development

A thought-provoking approach to the biggest refugee crisis of our time

By | December 4th, 2017|Alexandra Pihet, Citizen Journalist - Poverty & Development|

Alexandra Pihet Migration experts from different countries met mid-November in Istanbul (Turkey) within the framework of the project "Ladder—Local Authorities as Drivers for Development Education and Raising Awareness". The conference, titled "From Local to Global: Migration's Challenge with Civilization" indeed focused on the massive migrant influx due to the Syrian crisis. The event, hosted by [...]

Reproductive health as a form of resilience to climate change

By | November 17th, 2017|Chiara Soletti, Citizen Journalist - Poverty & Development|

Chiara Soletti The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights published the first Report on the relationship between human rights and climate change at Geneva in March 2009. This was indeed an important moment for the international community because the social, cultural and economic consequences of the phenomenon were formally recognized. Climate change exacerbates the state of discrimination [...]

Access to information and work with it in least populated places

By | September 7th, 2017|Citizen Journalist - Poverty & Development, Reneta Kirilova|

Reneta Kirilova Information is one of the main resources for humanity nowadays. Its usage worldwide is enormous, it’s every second, it’s 24 hours a day. Media content and the creators of media content are working all the time to give the society and the social groups what they need. The need to talk, to [...]

Do regional development agencies support decentralization or centralization? A short evaluation of development and planning organizations of Turkey

By | May 30th, 2017|Citizen Journalist - Poverty & Development, Ferhat Tomo|

Ferhat Tomo Local governments are very prominent means for providing service and public welfare to the residents. In time, interesting ideas and essential theories have been developed for regions, countries, and territories. Local and regional development policies are very important to reflect the demands of local people and to alleviate urban poverty in order to [...]

The Dutch Elections: forming a new government

By | April 4th, 2017|Citizen Journalist - Poverty & Development, Joni Wijhers|

Joni Wijhers The political landscape in the Netherlands is turbulent. During a diplomatic conflict between the Dutch and Turkish governments, the Dutch citizens cast their votes for a new House of Representatives on Wednesday, 15th of March. Even though there were 28 political parties on the voting ballot, the battle was between four political parties, [...]

Hlompho Matsoso, acting for change in Lesotho

By | April 4th, 2017|Citizen Journalist - Poverty & Development, Julie Capelle|

Julie Capelle The Hague Academy for local Governance is an NGO which organizes practical training to civil servants from developing and transitional countries. Discover the story of Hlompho , one training participant who works on fiscal decentralization in Lesotho, a particular country facing important social issues. « I come from Lesotho, do you know where [...]

Thoughts on democracy

By | April 3rd, 2017|Citizen Journalist - Poverty & Development, Shady Rabhi|

Shady Rabhi Of course, democracy is really important. It is necessary to preserve our freedom, our choices, our manner of living. Talking about democracy and raising the awareness of people about it, it’s a conscious and civic act; launching debates regarding citizenship brings enrichment. But having democracy as focus without ensuring economic and social rights, [...]

“She was jumping of happiness” – working in a refugee camp by Catarina Cerqueira

By | March 10th, 2017|Andreas Canvin, Citizen Journalist - Poverty & Development|

Andreas Canvin Sometimes, it's the small things that make you the most happy. Just ask Catarina.  In the summer of 16', Portugese Catarina Cerqueira volunteered in the ELEONAS refugee camp in Athens, Greece. Here, she worked as a volunteer for the Elea Project, which helps improving the living conditions for the refugees and migrants [...]