Citizen Journalist – Climate & Energy

//Citizen Journalist - Climate & Energy

Social justice involves access to renewable energy

By | November 23rd, 2017|Chiara Soletti, Citizen Journalist - Climate & Energy|

Chiara Soletti During sessions of the Conferences of the Parties the UNFCCC organises meetings dedicated to the most urgent climate issues. Yesterday a Gender Day was held at the COP23 Conference, a day dedicated to gender rights and the various adversities that women and men have to contend with in relation to climate change. On this [...]

4th Danube Participation Day: Science meets Participation, Innovation and Sustainability

By | November 2nd, 2017|Citizen Journalist - Climate & Energy, Margaryta Udovychenko|

Margaryta Udovychenko Arriving to Participation Day I did not know exactly what to expect. It was my first time attending this event and surely not the last one. I was excited and highly motivated to absorb as much as I can. Many topics have been discussed during the day – we’ve got much scientific [...]

Information are not enough to change our behaviour – Interview with Jan Krajhanzl, eco-psychologist from the Masaryk’s University in Brno

By | August 25th, 2017|Citizen Journalist - Climate & Energy, Kristina Hudekova|

Kristina Hudekova On the international non-shopping day we made a test to see if people are willing to buy unethical products when they have all information about their origin. We opened a stall on a farmer’s market where we sold very cheap chocolate, coffee, bananas and other goods and openly told every customer that, for example, on the [...]

A plastic ocean

By | August 21st, 2017|Alexandra Pihet, Citizen Journalist - Climate & Energy|

Alexandra Pihet Every year, 8 million metric tons of plastic garbage from all over the world makes its way to oceans. Food wrappers, caps, cups, plates, bottles, bags, straws and other discarded items make up 90% of floating marine debris. Caught up in currents, this waste is accumulating in 5 giant garbage patches all around [...]

“Why change” – Excerpt from “Designing Regenerative Cultures” by Daniel Christian Wahl

By | May 30th, 2017|Citizen Journalist - Climate & Energy, Giovanni Marco Scavelli|

Giovanni Marco Scavelli The main question is why we are worth sustaining, how we should start questioning and which is the motivation, what are the possible solutions towards a transition to a regenerative culture as whole. How we can create conditions conducive to life, which are our reflections about what future we desire for humanity. [...]

Bonn: US indecision and China and India’s new leadership in the field of energy production

By | May 18th, 2017|Chiara Soletti, Citizen Journalist - Climate & Energy|

Chiara Soletti Two days after the end of the UNFCC intermediate negotiations held in Bonn, the debate continues with regard to the impact of the Trump Administration's decisions with respect to the environment. From the very beginning of the negotiations, the United States have sent out signals that are not very encouraging, participating in [...]

Lessons from Liverpool: An insight from the Greens Congress 2017

By | April 18th, 2017|Citizen Journalist - Climate & Energy, Irene Vivas Lalinde|

Irene Vivas Lalinde Two weeks ago, the capital of the Beatles: Liverpool (UK), hosted a multilateral Congress. The Green Party of England and Wales, the European Green Party (EGP) and the Global Greens gathered around 2000 people coming from different parts of the globe. I was part of the Spanish Delegation (representing EQUO). As a [...]

“Each person is a movement” – The warrior of urban forests: Interview with Damira Kalač

By | March 21st, 2017|Annamaria Lehoczky, Citizen Journalist - Climate & Energy|

Annamária Lehoczky Ćemovsko polje (Ćemovsko field) had been a rather abandoned forest park in Podgorica (Montenegro) until one day Damira decided to create something exciting and useful for her neighborhood. She organized young and old, kids and families, and turned the forest park into a lovely community park – where people like to spend outdoor [...]

Malta, works in process

By | March 6th, 2017|Alexandra Pihet, Citizen Journalist - Climate & Energy|

Alexandra Pihet Started in the 1960s after the Independence, building development has transformed the Mediterranean island of Malta into a permanent building site full of concrete blocks. Known for its unique architectural mix of narrow streets and historical buildings from different eras, the tiny country, one of the smallest and most densely populated in [...]

Where should the birds fly after the last sky?

By | March 2nd, 2017|Annamaria Lehoczky, Citizen Journalist - Climate & Energy|

Annamária Lehoczky The icy wind was blowing insistently through the narrow valley of Kresna, surrounded by the steep slopes of the Gorge. The landscape seemed suspiciously tranquil, hiding the story of a 20-year battle. Kresna Gorge, the gorgeous natural conservation area in Bulgaria, providing home for eagles, turtles, butterflies and more, is threatened by an [...]