Citizen Journalist – Climate & Energy

//Citizen Journalist - Climate & Energy

The Danube Participation Days

By | February 14th, 2017|Áron Gödölle, Citizen Journalist - Climate & Energy, Jakob Lütgenau|

Áron Gödölle and Jakob Lütgenau The Danube Participation Days (DPD) is the annual self-organized forum for civil society and local stakeholders in the EUSDR. It contributes to a stronger involvement of civil society and local actors and it provides a platform for debate, exchange and cooperation for the representatives from civil society organizations and local [...]

The relationship between youth society and civil society: Citizen Participation

By | January 30th, 2017|Citizen Journalist - Climate & Energy, Farouk Garali|

Farouk Garali The experience of Menzel Abderrahmen is based on the associative work as a central element of requalification of the places of life, to lead to a collective responsibility for the maintenance of an isolated garden. This process was supported by a local association, LAMECHMAL team Bizerte that of the garden Manoubi Boussandel in [...]

Global citizens: those that “You-Know-Who” should be afraid of

By | January 27th, 2017|Annamaria Lehoczky, Citizen Journalist - Climate & Energy|

Annamaria Lehoczky Partly-cloudy November morning welcomed me somewhere on a rooftop in the Marrakech medina. Routinely starting my day with a strong Moroccan mint tea and pancake with marmalade while trying to connect to the internet at my local Airbnb host. The Wi-Fi connection is coming and going all the time, and that morning it [...]

No to 115 meters

By | October 3rd, 2016|Citizen Journalist - Climate & Energy, Sabine Eigmina|

Sabine Eigmina In the late August, the Latvian capital Riga hosted the international contemporary circus and street arts festival “Re Rīga.” Within its framework, I saw Cie Non Nova show "Windy afternoon." The main hero of the show - a common cellophane bag and a ventilator, which gives life to a plastic and the ability [...]

World’s largest cities are getting rid of cars. The solutions already exist

By | October 3rd, 2016|Citizen Journalist - Climate & Energy, Kristina Hudekova|

Kristina Hudekova There are cars almost everywhere nowadays. People can’t hide from them, not even on the sidewalk. If all the cities were like Copenhagen, 25 billion dollars would be saved and the people would be healthier. Car-free districts already exist and we talked to an inhabitant of the first one of them. Cities thought [...]