Citizen Jouralist – Engagement of Public & Private Sector

//Citizen Jouralist - Engagement of Public & Private Sector

Social entrepreneurship: The solution for the depopulation of the rural areas of Central and Eastern European countries

By | September 14th, 2017|Citizen Jouralist - Engagement of Public & Private Sector, Dragos Cuta|

Dragos Cuta During a recent problem analysis of the rural areas it was determined that the rural area from CEE countries is depopulating rapidly because youngsters are emigrating in order to find good quality and sustainable jobs. Meanwhile retired people who own or inherited a house in a rural area often prefer to live with [...]

Supporting local community initiatives through the so-called Crowdfunding

By | September 11th, 2017|Citizen Jouralist - Engagement of Public & Private Sector, Lilyana Savova|

Lilyana Savova This famous phrase, which, according to some sources, belongs to Ostap Bender, focuses on the idea that the prosperity of the local community depends mostly on the goals and actions of the community itself. Ie. the best ideas for overcoming poverty, improving the environmental status, social inclusion and others will be generated [...]

Explore the inter-generational inclusion: the Civitas Vitae

By | July 21st, 2017|Citizen Jouralist - Engagement of Public & Private Sector, Rosa Uliassi|

Rosa Uliassi «My dissertation is born to a beautiful fairy tale: that of a little girl who grows up and learns from a grandfather how to draw the sea waves or how to raise a life, starting with a tomato plant» Today we are speaking a lot about the question of inclusion: religious, cultural, ethnic, [...]

The potential of Urban Labs: Maastricht and its M-LAB

By | June 22nd, 2017|Citizen Jouralist - Engagement of Public & Private Sector, Irene Vivas Lalinde|

Irene Vivas Lalinde The study of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy (STI onwards) can be understood as analogous to production, commercialization and mainstreaming of knowledge. Even there is a clear evolution in the terminology, the terms are still interdependent and co-exist with one another. Because of this conceptual variety, STI policies can take on different [...]

Does a European public sphere exist?

By | February 14th, 2017|Anna Elena Maria Ferrari, Citizen Jouralist - Engagement of Public & Private Sector|

Anna Elena Maria Ferrari There is little doubt that the dream of the full realization of the European project passes through the creation of an European public sphere. Information, in this regard, is key to foster a sense of European belonging. The question is then: how much European do the citizens of the EU [...]

PPP- Two different parts for one purpose

By | January 10th, 2017|Citizen Jouralist - Engagement of Public & Private Sector, Natia Shakaia|

Natia Shakaia If you visit my country the most common thing you will ever hear is complains about lack of working places or even their non-existence. As we all know,  two completely different structures like public and private sectors are creating working places itself, but what will happen if they unite for one purpose? ... [...]

The milk war

By | December 13th, 2016|Anna Elena Maria Ferrari, Citizen Jouralist - Engagement of Public & Private Sector|

Anna Elena Maria Ferrari  The present agricultural policy is almost exclusively made at European Union level, but it is managed at national and regional level. In 1984, the EU introduced milk quotas to limit milk production in every member State, in order to end structural surpluses that outreached by far the demand. The limitation [...]

More Dialogue

By | November 21st, 2016|Citizen Jouralist - Engagement of Public & Private Sector, Salome Lemonjava|

Salome Lemonjava Kindzmarauli, Mukuzani, Tvishi, Ojaleshi, Manavi, Tsinandali – these are the names of Georgian wine and you have possibility to taste them anywhere in the World. Apart from wine we have Bojomi, Nabeglavi, Likani … these are mineral waters and they are being imported abroad as well. As for Georgian delicious sweets, churchkhela it [...]

Engagement of the public and private sector

By | September 9th, 2016|Citizen Jouralist - Engagement of Public & Private Sector, Natia Shakaia|

Natia Shakaia Today I would like to talk about the engagement of the private and the public sector. However, before I begin the discussion about where and how these two important sectors can be involved, I want to review briefly what is private and public sector as such and how different they can be from [...]

Guess what? Time’s changed

By | August 29th, 2016|Citizen Jouralist - Engagement of Public & Private Sector, Eleonora Mandelli|

Eleonora Mandelli Time has passed since we considered the State as our main interlocutor. States, governments and structures have been evolving since men have been trying new ways to organise themselves - history teaches us this. From Absolutism to Liberal States, Monarchies and Republics - we don’t have to go back very far in time [...]