Local Actions for Global Impact

//Local Actions for Global Impact

Wefood: A simple, tasteful solution to a big, distasteful problem

By | June 30th, 2017|Andreas Canvin, Local Actions for Global Impact|

Andreas Canvin Did you know… ...that Danes waste 700.000 tons of food each year? That's 65 kg. per person. And that's a problem. According to the UN's second Global Goal, foodwaste should be reduced by 50% globally by 2030. That's ambitious. But with initiatives like the Danish concept of Wefood, reducing foodwaste might be much [...]

LADDER Tool Fair

By | May 30th, 2017|Alexandra Pihet, Local Actions for Global Impact|

Alexandra Pihet On 10th-12th May 2017 was hold the Ladder Tool Fair in Torun (Poland). The event gathered more than 170 participants working on DEAR (Development Education and Awareness Raising) and also coming from public and private institutions, civil society organizations, foundations, academia, … A large-scale project since it covers Europe and its Neighborhood (North [...]

Bullets & Bad Breath – Youth Journalism in Palestine

By | April 28th, 2017|Andreas Canvin, Local Actions for Global Impact|

Andreas Canvin “Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: everything else is public relations." George Orwell's famous words are more relevant than ever. Throughout the world, journalists are imprisoned for doing critical journalism. Now 12-year old, Janna Jihad has been covering the Israeli human rights abuses against Palestinians since she was 7 [...]

To be continued

By | February 20th, 2017|Hasan Haj, Local Actions for Global Impact|

Hasan Haj Time flew. The 6 months since April passed quickly and I needed to get ready to fly to Romania. The second phase training of the global education program was about to start (in October). The world is becoming smaller and smaller and each one of us has an impact that can affect [...]

Local actions/Global impact

By | February 14th, 2017|Áron Gödölle, Local Actions for Global Impact|

Áron Gödölle Ending poverty, world hunger, ensuring the access to water for everyone, empowering women and girls or reducing the inequalities between countries … these all are part of the 17 goals 193 countries (of UN) worldwide signed, to ensure global development. Supporting these goals and acting in favor of them is not only job [...]

Feel like running 217 km. in Death Valley? We spoke to the guy who did just that

By | December 16th, 2016|Andreas Canvin, Local Actions for Global Impact|

Andreas Canvin The 44-year old Leon Skriver Hansen is one Denmark's best ultrarunners. For over a decade, he's done countless races all over the world, running thousands of kilometers combined. In July this summer, he took on his biggest challenge yet - the world renowned Badwater 135 miles race, which is a 217 km. long [...]

The 5 Euros electricity bill

By | October 25th, 2016|Hasan Haj, Local Actions for Global Impact|

Hasan Haj My awareness towards taking care of our planet increased in July 2015, when I watched an Arabic program named “Khawater”, translated as reflections. I watched 11 seasons of the program in one month; many episodes were focusing in our daily life and our effect on the planet. Since then I managed to get [...]

It’s time for new challenges for rural and coastal territories

By | October 10th, 2016|Local Actions for Global Impact, Silvana Paruolo|

Silvana Paruolo Silvana Paruolo interviews Architect Loreto Policella, the Local Action Group (LAG) coordinator  in Lazio , and the Chairman of the LAG Lazio of the Abruzzo National Park Cohesion policy - a visible expression of solidarity and a development tool - represents a very significant part of the EU budget. For the period 2007-2014, [...]

Eat Local, Think Globally!!!

By | October 7th, 2016|Local Actions for Global Impact, Maja Vargek|

Maja Vargek That in this our beautiful country there are just as young, beautiful and talented people we all know, but when all these young people together into one organization and delight us with their ideas and activities carried out in order to preserve our beautiful nature and then you we must familiar with them. [...]