Mrs Gaye Doganoglu, Vice-President of the Congress, took part to the Launching Conference of LADDER project delivering a speech on the role of local authorities in the promotion of development education and awareness raising of citizens.


“The key to sustainable achievements in this respect is to make citizens believe that they can make a difference through their actions,” stated Mrs Doganoglu addressing the participants at the debate on “Local for Global – From localisation to globalisation”.

“The Congress plays a crucial role in delivering this message to local authorities, and through them, reaches out to the citizens. Based on the human rights approach of development, notably the promotion, at local level, of human rights, democracy and the rule of law, the Congress has undertaken several activities to raise awareness of democracy through education,” she explained.

Mrs. Doganoglu highlighted, in particular, the European Local Democracy Week which will be dedicated in 2015 to “Living together in multicultural societies: respect, dialogue, interaction”.

Read the full speech of Mrs. Doganoglu