On 5th June, in the framework of The Launching Conference of LADDER project, the Geographical and Thematic Working Groups took place.


Among the several activities, LADDER project enjoys two different paths: the Geographical Path and the Thematic one. The Geographical Path includes four Working Groups: the European Union, the Mediterranean area, the South Eastern Europe and the Eastern Partnership. On the other hand the Thematic Path includes six Working Groups related to the following topics: Youth in development, Migration, Citizens’ participation in development, Environmental and sustainable development, European Year for Development & follow up.

All associates and co-applicants involved in the project, according to their geographical area and their interests, can take part to the several working groups, discussing on issues related to Development Education and Raising Awareness. Participating to the discussions they can recognise the new challenges, come up with proposals, solutions and activities, and analyse all achievements.

At the end of the Launching Conference, the Working Groups took place, hosted by the Committee of the Regions and the Council of Europe, and all participants discussed the several challenges they will work on in the very next future.