In the framework of EYD2015, September is dedicated to migration. Migration always represented a crucial issue, with its complicate causes and effects, and in this historical moment it is getting more serious than ever.

September started with shocking images: on one hand thousands of people running away from their countries looking for a safe place, a shelter, some help, looking for their own dignity; on the other hand the reaction of the European countries and their people, the humanitarian aid and the several initiatives and campaigns to welcome refugees, but also the physical and moral walls, violence, abuse of power and loss of control. While a dead child washed ashore on a Turkish beach becomes the new symbol of Europe’s migration disaster, thousands of migrants every day choose even the most dangerous ways to reach Europe, often paying the highest price for this decision. Europe and European Union has witnessed many desperate attempts of refugees trying to cross the borders of European Union and find safety.

ALDA strongly defends human rights, and it is actively engaged in initiatives aimed at solving the migration crisis, which is affecting Europe. In the framework of LADDER project several paths were created, among which also the Migration path. The consortium of LADDER has launched an open letter to EU and Member States for a “Humane, comprehensive and immediate action for Migration” which was written on the occasion of the Extraordinary Council meeting of Home Affairs & Justice Ministers of the EU, on 14th September 2015. The letter stresses the importance of humane treatment of Asylum Seekers, calls for improving the European asylum mechanism and combating the illegal migrant smuggling. Other activity of project LADDER is “LADDER Special Initiative on Migration” which is going to take place on 10th – 14th November 2015 in Malta.

ALDA is also experiencing the migration reality through its offices in Subotica and Skopje. Since Subotica is located near Serbian-Hungarian border, they are facing the influx of refugees every day. Moreover, there are concerns about the upcoming winter. With such a huge number of refugees, it is going to be very difficult to provide people with shelter and warm environment. In order to contribute to the solution of this problem, Mayor of Subotica and Kanjiza, together with the UNHCR delegation and Red Cross, visited the old brick factory in Subotica, which could serve as a temporary shelter for migrants. Meanwhile all the Local Democracy Agencies of ALDA, led by the LDA Subotica and the Youth section of Skopje office, are mobilizing to practically get involved in humanitarian actions, in order to provide first aid goods to refugees.

In this chaotic and disastrous situation, Europe is probably facing the biggest migration crisis in history, and European Union is constantly working on developing the common strategy to take care of such a big influx of refugees.