The European Year for Development 2015, flagships initiative of the EU to present the role and contribution of the EU in eradicating poverty across the world. Recent figures show that less than 50% of EU citizens know how is the EU supporting poverty eradication, and how development aid is spent, while the vast majority (80%) of them believe that development aid is important (source: Eurobarometer 2013). Latest figures of 2015 confirm these trends, justifying the importance of our collective actions and our support to the EYD 2015.

ALDA, within its strategy and projects (such as the LADDER project) fully supports the promotion of the EYD 2015 and its objectives, stressing the importance of communicating clear, concise and relevant information to citizens. The upcoming events foreseen in LADDER’s calendar will have a clear EYD 2015 dimension. If you want to know more or join this initiative, share the news, suggest an event, a creative idea or a personality to become ambassador of the EYD2015, please read more on EYD 2015 website.