Insights from a Local Authority on the Migration Route.

The management of migration flows in Europe has become an extremely challenging issue, in need for European coherent action based on solidarity and humanity above all. Municipalities, at the forefront of the crisis, are expected to take action and address the emergency situation by using their own capacities very often, creating a feeling of being a lonely actor.

The interview* of Mr Ioannis Georgiadis, Council Member of the Municipality of Chios, directly affected by the current migration crisis, provides a content-full and unprecedented insight on the situation, the emergency and the challenges that Local Authorities face on the ground. These include providing accommodation, bedding, clothing and medical supplies, but also addressing the “indirect” effects of the crisis (environmental, human resources’ etc).

ALDA, on behalf of LADDER consortium, is thankful for this contribution from Mr Georgiadis.

See the full interview in the video below.

* interview done by ALDA at the occasion of the Special initiative on Migration in Malta, in November 2015 –