LADDER – Local Authorities as Drivers for Development Education and Raising awareness

 Project LADDER on the starting blocks!

One common project (3 years)
27 partners & 19 associates, coming from 18 EU and 17 non EU-countries
One major challenge for the EU and its Neighborhood: Development Education and Awareness Raising (DEAR)

The project “LADDER – Local Authorities as Drivers for Development Education and Raising awareness” has just started and will be running until December 2017 (36-month duration).

Funded by EuropeAid, LADDER has 1 global objective and 2 specific ones. For the next 36 months, it will seek to enhance and increase the action of Local Authorities in EU DEAR policies, with special reference to the EU Neighboring area. To do so, the following specific objectives have been identified:

    1. To strengthen the cooperation between LAs and CSOs and to build their internal capacities to act as “drivers for change” in DEAR;
    2. To inform and sensitize citizens and communities on their role and responsibility on global issues, as well as about the interdependencies between the EU and developing countries, by exploring and testing the most adequate methods of non-formal education.

The strong commitment of the 27 Partners and the active involvement of the 19 Associates (including their respective networks) will ensure the timely implementation of the project and the fulfilment of its objective. A series of capacity building seminars & trainings, exchange meetings, conferences and  events are foreseen to take place at international, national and local level, while a re-granting scheme will be implemented at all 28 EU Member States. Acting as an EU & Neighborhood-wide project on DEAR policies, a particular attention will be given to the European Year for Development 2015 and its follow-up.

*LADDER is the natural follow up of the project Working Together for Development (WTD), which focused on information, training and networking for LAs associations and networks of CSOs in the field of development cooperation. The will and strong motivation of the great majority of WTD partners in continuing the challenge together by setting higher goals cannot but be considered as a key result of the project itself.