
On 10-12 May 2017, the LADDER Tool Fair will open in Torun, Poland. This three-day event will enable actors working on Development Education and Awareness Raising (DEAR) and other stakeholders (LAs, CSOs, foundations, institutional & non-institutional actors, etc.) active on issues related to sustainable development, poverty eradication, gender issues, climate change:
- to exchange methodologies, practices, experiences and tools, with the aim of raising awareness and achieving sustainable development;
- to share lessons learnt from past DEAR actions;
- to increase the networking among DEAR and non-DEAR stakeholders, and strengthen potential future partnerships between CSOs and LAs;
- to promote the DEAR concept and methodology to other stakeholders;
- to engage in a dialogue on citizens’ participation and engagement for development, and to address the enabling environment required for local communities to participate & engage.
The Tool fair will be made up of:
- A plenary session (day 1)
- Some parallel workshops on practices and tools related to DEAR, awareness raising and localization of SDGs (day 1 & 2) – The parallel workshops will include, among others, best practices of global citizenship from the formal and non-formal sectors of education, grass-roots activities carried out by Local Authorities and CSOs, sharing of actions implemented by the network of Local Democracy Agencies, research findings, and many more innovative & creative ideas.
- An Open Space (day 1 & 2) gathering stands from different organizations sharing their practices and activities in parallel of the tool fair sessions. Organizations willing to have a space to display relevant materials should contact the organizers for the logistical arrangements.
- A closing ceremony (day 3).
Participants and visitors are expected to come from Public and Private institutions, Civil Society Organizations, Academia and other actors.
Nikos Gamouras (LADDER Project Manager): nikos.gamouras@aldaintranet.org
Giulia Mezzalira (Logistics Officer): giulia.mezzalira@aldaintranet.org
See the draft programme of the Tool fair (& other events taking place in parallel).
Registrations are now open: follow this link to register – (Please register as “Others” if you do not belong to any of the category mentioned in the form).
A message of tolerance through the language of art: “In a better world”
Our theatre play “In a better world” travels across Europe, landing in the Island of Mallorca (Spain) on 15th March, in Tours (France) on 17th March, and in Palermo (Italy) on 5th April. In May our artists will perform in Toruń (Poland) and other dates are coming soon. Stay tuned and check the venues closer to you!
MED Path’s partners meeting in Tunisia, 26-27 April
On 26-27 April, the partners involved in the MED Path will gather in Kairouan (Tunisia). Focus of the meeting will be the adoption of the Strategic Paper on the Mediterranean and the CHARMEDAL - Charter of Democracy and Local Autonomy.
Does Fair Trade change society?
Fairtrade Germany, the Service Agency Communities in One World/Engagement Global, Brot für die Welt, MISEREOR, and Forum Fairer Handel, with the financial support of the Friedrich Ebert-Stiftung, carried out what can be called “the first study on Fair Trade” and the impact of this movement, covering the period of 2000-2015. Among conclusions, it is stated that “several changes towards fair trade objectives could be observed for the assessment period of 2000 to 2015. For civil society, politics and public sector, for retailers and manufacturers as well as for consumers, a trending change in awareness was notable”. Read more in the article!
Picture and article www.fairtrade-advocacy.org
Citizen Journalists Initiative
The LADDER Citizen Journalists’ network is growing day by day and it is reaching all Europe and beyond. Check out some of the most recent contributions in each of the six main themes!
The most recent work published by our Citizens Journalists is addressing issues on poverty & development, climate & energy, tolerance & inclusion, citizens’ participation. Have a look to their contributions!
Hlompho Matsoso, acting for change in Lesotho
Julie Capelle
A zoom on the fiscal decentralisation process in Lesotho, pointing the challenges faced by this small country: “we gave to the districts a grant to lead projects for the community like water supply, service pipes or schools for example. We wanted to see whether they would be able to manage. And only one passed!’’.
“Each person is a movement” – The warrior of urban forests: Interview with Damira Kalač
Annamária Lehoczky
A true story on how “ordinary” people can get to achieve big changes; the inspiring case of Damira Kalač, warrior of urban forests from Montenegro.
Thoughts on democracy
Shady Rabhi
How to achieve, maintain, and fight for democracy if not through constant work, dedication and cooperation between the state and citizens? A voice raised from Tunisia on mutual understanding and trust in order to ensure some vital needs by fighting against poverty, unemployment, violence, corruption.
The Dutch Elections: forming a new government
Joni Wijhers
Will the politics in the Netherlands ensure a greener and more sustainable future for the Dutch people? Impressions after the elections held last March 2017.
For a Better World: Tolerance and Inclusion
Erdem Güler
Tolerance and inclusion can really be keys to a better society, to a better world. We just have to be promoting them more around us, to be defending them more: a message from Turkey.
Test yourself for “global citizenship”
Ana Maria Ilie
Have you ever asked yourself if your actions are truly in the “spirit” of global citizenship? In today's world, full of inequalities and injustice, individuals often don't realise that they are part of the solution, but chose to deny it instead, or refuse to "open their eyes". |
For further information, please contact the Project Manager, Nikos Gamouras: nikos.gamouras@aldaintranet.org
This newsletter has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents are the sole responsibility of ALDA and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union. |