
2016 was a busy and productive year for the LADDER’s consortium. From open letters, research documents, national and local trainings, national events, to creative activities such as the Slogan Competition and the setting of the Citizen Journalists’ network, LADDER worked towards advancing development education and raising awareness on development issues.
Our advocacy efforts ranged from the European Neighbourhood Policy, to SDGs, to migration and development. What the LADDER initiatives have in common is the promotion of the role of local governments and civil society organizations when it comes to policy making & action taking at local, national and international level, as well as bridging the gap between citizens and politics, by engaging and advocating in a participatory manner. Read our advocacy documents:
Many other Advocacy Actions were implemented throughout the year by the different geographical and thematic paths!
Continuing the actions started in 2015, LADDER’s consortium organized 11 national trainings and 37 local trainings in 10 countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Malta, Poland, and Slovakia. The trainings brought together more than 2000 people. Trainings were focused on development education, empowerment of local authorities and civil society organizations, raising awareness and engaging citizens in global issues, improving methods of non-formal education. |
The “special initiatives” are events organized by the coordinators of the Thematic and Geographical Paths, in order to raise questions, encourage debate and come with recommendations on the topics addressed under the Paths. Check the 2016 ones here:
The projects financed through the re-granting scheme of LADDER focused on local actions that can lead to specific results, standing as examples and inspiration for citizens, CSOs and LAs. The aim is to generate constructive and result-oriented activities within their often-limited resources. The selected winning projects came from Spain, Estonia, the Netherlands, Romania, Germany, Croatia, Latvia, Denmark, Italy, Slovakia and Bulgaria. Other projects will be announced early 2017 in Malta, Ireland, Poland and Greece.
The Slogan Competition, initiated in the second part of 2015, was finalized in 2016, after a careful selection of 34 winning slogans out of 773 proposals received from children and youngsters from all over Europe.
The best 5 slogans were awarded with an iPad, in order to keep fostering the communication skills of the talented participants:
- Video: ”Tolerance – Don’t let your eyes cover your heart with judgement” submitted by Jelena Buden, Dalija Poustecki, Ena Andel, Anamarija Zulicek (Croatia)
- Drawing: “Different religions, languages, skin colours; but we all belong to one human journey. Together we achieve more!” submitted by Andrija Aracic (Croatia)
- Slogan: “Don’t put your feet up, Help stop the heat up.” submitted by Kaitlin Doherty (Ireland)
- Drawing: "We want a world like a painter’s palette, a set of colors" submitted by Valentina di Foggia (Italy)
- Drawing: "Feel free to improve our world!!!" submitted by Patricia Mancos (Romania)
“In a better world” is the theatre play directed by Francesco Zarzana, President of Progettarte and member of ALDA’s Governing Board. Through music and acting, the story of a woman who managed to cross the sea and reach the shore is being told - a message of hope, despite the sufferance of losing everything, including her soul mate. The sea, a resource that need to be protected, that always had a positive value in our imagination, becomes the grave of all those desperate lives trying to escape from situations which are consuming their dignity as human beings. The play was already acted in Paris (France) and Modena (Italy) in 2016, and many other cities will host it within LADDER activities. |
This year, the task force on research developed several useful resources related to DEAR: key concepts, relevant stakeholders, ways to turn the local authority more sustainable, and ways on how to change the individual and collective footprint. You can find them all here.
In addition to the DEAR database created, in 2016 the results of the survey aimed at collecting opinion regarding DEAR which were implemented at EU level trainings were released. In early 2017, the results collected during the national and local trainings will be also published. |
Bulgarian municipalities involve youth in development issues
Gabrovo Municipality and Isperih Municipality are the two LADDER project grass-root actions selected to be financed by the re-granting scheme in Bulgaria. They focus on education for development and the role of youth in sustainable development.
Un CIAI a Modena: spreading tolerance & equality through culture
Reflecting on tolerance and equality through the play “In a better world”. The sea, a resource that need to be protected, that always had a positive value in our imagination, becomes the grave of all those desperate lives trying to escape from situations which are consuming their dignity as human beings.
LADDER in Greek media
Radio did not kill the development awareness star - It rather raised awareness! Within the European Local Democracy Week, LADDER's project manager Nikos Gamouras gave a radio interview at University of Patras Radio Up FM. Nikos spoke about the challenges of democracy in a local context and the importance of informing citizens and engaging them in decision-making.
Citizen Journalists Initiative
The LADDER Citizen Journalists' network is growing day by day and it is reaching all Europe and beyond. Check out some of the most recent contributions in each of the six main themes!
The most recent work published by our Citizens Journalists is addressing issues on tolerance & inclusion, poverty & development, citizens’ participation. Have a look to their contributions!
So similar, yet so different
Maja Vargek
In times of increased talking of building walls, how can we still build bridges? A good reminder that the International Day of Tolerance should be celebrated at all times.
The development of the Medicine over the years
Natia Shakaia
Medicine developed, but how do we make sure that all people have access to good quality and affordable healthcare? Thoughts from Georgia.
The new Europeans in the Old Continent
Francesco Folloni
Stories of migration and integration, stories of an old Europe accepting of new people. Stories of people, their lives and living in peace in diversity.
Feel like running 217 km in Death Valley? We spoke to the guy who did just that
Andreas Canvin
Running for the fight against cancer: interviewing Leon Skriver Hansen, Danish 44-years old guy that symbolically did an action for the global impact. |
For further information, please contact the Project Manager, Nikos Gamouras: nikos.gamouras@aldaintranet.org
This newsletter has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents are the sole responsibility of ALDA and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union. |