
The second year of the project has come to an end and the beginning of 2017 marks the occasion to remember all the achievements of these last 12 months!
2016 was a busy and productive year for the LADDER's consortium. LADDER worked towards advancing development education and raising awareness on development issues, implementing its actions and spreading the DEAR approach around.
These 12 months were characterised by open letters, research documents, national and local trainings, Job Shadowing activities, focus groups, national events, creative activities such as the Slogan Competition and the setting of the Citizen Journalists' network, the support of grass-roots actions through the re-granting scheme, the first performances of the play "In a better world", and so on.
Want to know more? The LADDER 2016 Report is now online with information and details of this second intense and productive year. Have a look at it and keep on pace with the development LADDER climbing!
LADDER community meets in Brussels to plan a flamboyant 2017
The first Steering Committee of 2017 of the project LADDER took place on 17-18 January in Brussels, Belgium. By gathering all partners and with high level representatives of DG DEVCO, it was a key moment to orient the work of the community for 2017, the third and last year of the project.
A glance at DEAR in Europe
As the LADDER Project, several other European projects are working in the framework of DEAR (Development Education and Awareness Raising) and they all aim at fostering the growth of global citizens and at building together the path towards a better world.
Citizen Journalists Initiative
The LADDER Citizen Journalists’ network is growing day by day and it is reaching all Europe and beyond. Check out some of the most recent contributions in each of the six main themes!
The most recent work published by our Citizens Journalists is addressing issues on tolerance & inclusion, poverty & development, citizens' participation. Have a look to their contributions!
Silent Night in the ‘kingdom of the blind’
Dominik Bartol
The power and the need of love & kindness in a world of hate speeches, conflicts, and wars. A flow of thought inviting all of us – the ‘kingdom of blind’ – to reflect on values we often forget.
17 sustainable development goals: which way to go?
Agita Kaupuža
A story of exchange and welcoming from Latvia to localize SDGs: poverty, hunger, peace and partnership for goals. A nice example of people coming together, no matter of their status (especially the economic one).
PPP- Two different parts for one purpose
Natia Shakaia
How to foster cooperation among the main actors in society? Here you are some good practices of public-private partnership from Georgia, and from around the world.
More than 8 kilometers to reach school on unpaved and dangerous roads
Shady Rabhi
A witness on poverty and failing educational system in Tunisia, with the huge drop out of school rates and efforts of Tunisian civil society, international organizations on combating this phenomenon.
Brighten up the Baltic Sea!
Sabine Eigmina
The beauty, and yet the very worrying state of the Baltic Sea: due to pollution, “more than one sixth of the Baltic Sea is dead”. Sabine is optimistic that many more campaigns, actions like “Power is hidden in the clear sea.” or “My sea” can make a difference.
The relationship between youth society and civil society: Citizen Participation
Farouk Garali
A collective responsibility for the maintenance of an isolated garden: when citizens' participation and environmental protection meet, good practices have place! A story from Tunisia. |
For further information, please contact the Project Manager, Nikos Gamouras: nikos.gamouras@aldaintranet.org
This newsletter has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents are the sole responsibility of ALDA and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union. |