December 2015, and the European Year for Development 2015 (EYD2015) came to an end after 12 months of actions.


It represented an unparalleled initiative to inform European citizens on EU development policies, showcase EU’s role in development and inspire European citizens in getting involved.

As contributing stakeholder, our Association supported the year with awareness raising actions across its network to spread the word and spirit of the EYD2015. Member of the EYD2015 Civil Society Alliance as well as lead partner of different multi-annual EYD2015-related projects such as LADDER, ALDA organized a number of public events and ran online actions to raise the awareness of citizens as well as of local actors, such as Local Authorities (LAs) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), who have the capacity of becoming multipliers.

We would like to thank all members and partners who joined forces and with whom the fruitful cooperation led to successful outreach and activities. We look forward to pursuing the activities with the same aim of awareness raising and inspiring people for engaging in development & poverty eradication.