Salome Lemonjava


We often come across similar statuses on different social networking websites. Someone starts and the whole society uplifts the idea. Reasons can be various. Some of them for instance are acquaintances of Nutsa and Gio who need emergency medical treatment abroad. Some love old Tbilisi and its history and object modern panorama tbilisi project in that area. Some are crazy about sport and help georgian basketball player collect votes to join NBA. Among them are those who just notice their popular friends start social activity and soon afterwards begin to follow them. Many of them receive text from some friends in inbox asking to support this or that event. For instance turn old racecourse into central park and write status #togetherwecandoit.. Many just want to help, love doing charity work, love greener cities and etc.

For all these reasons people unite for common purpose and what happens? Goal is achieved. If not always, at least often. If not completely at least partially.

Citizens on national or international level often unite for the same idea. The examples of which include: action taken against global warming, against terrorism, creating and maintaining world pleace.. Countries leaders meet one another and set and create plans for the world stability. And those plans are achieved by citizens. Among them is my neighbour uncle Nodari.

Our block practically had no yard. Uncle Nodari planted plants and flowers by himself and even cut out wooden chairs. Yes, he also sculpted beautiful boys and girls sculptures out of steel and plain metal. Now our block not only has a park, but also place where we can breath fresher air. Uncle Nodari cared not only for our well being, but he took part in entire ecosystem as well. Perhaps we all have at least one neighbour similar to mine. So if we gather all uncle Nodari-s, we can reach to large number and this fact, maybe indirectly but still, means citizen involvement. With the help of uniting those citizens we can achieve positive results. Having healthy positive ideas and uniting for them has essential importance for each of us around the world.

Pointing out specific examples existing in my country allow me to say that any kind of action or activity can be accomplished and obtained. And even those which seem impossible at first, still can be executed. Moreover, it’s not a dream, it’s reality, because #togetherwearethepower.

Political campaign, green cities, fight against poverty, democratic development, eradicate discrimination once and for all, protecting human rights, preserving world heritage, reducing widely spread viruses and diseases. One of the examples include breast cancer which is considered as one of the major problems in Georgia. These are matters which directly or indirectly concern all of us. We, citizens look for many ways to solve those important matters. Main point is that directly or indirectly we play role in the process and as a result, if we can’t resolve them completely, or if we can’t reach desired result, we still make changes towards positive direction. Why?


Salome Lemonjava

Read this article in Georgian here.

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