The first Steering Committee of 2017 of the project LADDER took place on 17-18 January in Brussels, Belgium. By gathering all partners and with high level representatives of DG DEVCO, it was a key moment to orient the work of the community for 2017, the third and last year of the project.
Antonella Valmorbida, Secretary General of ALDA, welcomed the participants highlighting the fact that LADDER has never meant to be a mere project, and the fact that its consortium now works as a community is among the top results of our common work.
It was a honor to have among the speakers Ms Rosario Bento Pais, Head of Unit for Civil Society and Local Authorities of DG DEVCO. Ms Bento Pais highly praised the contribution of LADDER: “I am very happy with LADDER work, because as Antonella pointed out, it goes well beyond the project at such – and it will have a life way beyond its completion. Keep on your great work!”. Silvio Lazzari, DG DEVCO Project officer for LADDER, also took part into the meeting.
Nikos Gamouras, ALDA Project Manager who smoothly runs the 3-year project involving 27 co-applicants and 19 associates, gave a presentation on the state of art, obstacles and main achievements. The interest received by LADDER activities all around the globe is the best indicator of its impact in raising citizens awareness on development related topics. Throughout 2016, 48 national and local trainings took place, four special initiatives were organised, the Citizen Journalists’ network was developed, over 20 initiatives empowering citizens to contribute to local development were supported, and much more.
The year 2017 will be particularly intense and packed with LADDER activities all over the enlarged Europe – from job shadowing to publications, from theatre performances to citizens journalist, only to mention a few. Stay tuned not to miss any!

Useful links:

Photo Gallery
LADDER Project Annual Report 2016