Áron Gödölle
Ending poverty, world hunger, ensuring the access to water for everyone, empowering women and girls or reducing the inequalities between countries … these all are part of the 17 goals 193 countries (of UN) worldwide signed, to ensure global development.
Supporting these goals and acting in favor of them is not only job of the leaders of countries, experts or partners of different global sustainability organizations. It is in the interest of us all to discuss these topics and try to find the most effective solutions. That is exactly the purpose of the European Youth Parliament (EYP).
Volunteering in this European program brought me a lot of experience and understanding of diversity of European issues. Raising awareness plays an important role as well as the output of real suggestions by young people how to resolve European or often global problems.
There are many types of EYP sessions from internationals to regional ones. This gives young people the opportunity to get to know people from different countries and cultures. Even a little country like my own (Slovakia) has the opportunity to host a session like this and this way support the idea of improving the world for future generations.
Áron Gödölle
The contents of this article are the sole responsibility of the author, and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of ALDA and the European Union.
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